Cadets Involved: For all Part A and B cadets who are interested. Time: 5 x 1.5hr sessons on 2,3,6, 7, 8 Dec Timing: 9am - 10.30 (tentative) Venue: CCHY INTRODUCTION 1. Tae-Kwon Do (TKD) used to be a core topic in the NCC training programme. As one of NCC’s key trusts in improving and integrating the NCC programme, and to excite both current and future members of the NCC, Tae Kwon Do (TKD) opportunities will be implemented for NCC cadets. As learning martial arts provides a strong foundation for developing a strong sense of achievement and helps to develop character and physical fitness, TKD was short-listed due to its popularity, potential for cadets to represent school, impressive showing at the SYOG 2010 and its long association with the SAF. 2. The NCC Introductory Tae-Kwon Do Holiday Programme (ITHP) will be a school-based programme meant for Part A/B (preferably) cadets conducted by instructors from the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF). CO Units can select two/three consecutive days for the conduct of the ITHP. 3. The main objectives of NCC IHTP are as follows: a. Gain a basic understanding of TKD b. Able to be interested in pursuing TKD as part of NCC. c. Able to have fun and social bonding. PROGRAMME 4. The NCC ITHP will provide participants with the knowledge and confidence to enjoy basic TKD knowledge and to excite them to continue pursuing TKD as a platform for both physical and character development. 5. Method of Instruction. There will be a TKD instructor who will be assigned to the school unit during this ITHP who will instruct NCC cadets for 5 sessions (Each session will last about 1.5 hrs) during the holidays. To sign up, please send a message to Mr Victor Tan at 90093275 by 6 Nov in the following format: ITHP___ Please pass the word along.