All cadets are to note the following days of training for the month of July 2010. Many of the days are tentative so it is cadet's own responsibility to check back here as often as you can for updates. Week 1 28/6-2/7: 1. 29/6 Tuesday - Youth Day Rehearsal 2. 30/6 Wednesday - School Anniversary Rehearsal (1); Part A uniform exchange at NCC HQ 3. 1/7 Thursday - NCC DAY; PDS Youth Day Performance in MPH during assembly 4. 2/7 Friday - NO TRAINING for all cadets 5. 4/7 Sunday - Streetwise Run 2010 @ Zouk car park, 1—6pm Week 2 5/7-9/7: 1. 6/7 Tuesday - NO TRAINING for all cadets 2. 7/7 Wednesday - School Anniversary Rehearsal (2) 3. 9/7 Friday - NO TRAINING for all cadets 4. 10/7 Saturday - School Anniversary Parade