HQ NCC will be conducting Specialist Course for Part C NCC (Air) Cadets from Tuesday 16 June 2009 - Friday 19 June 2009 (Phase I) and Wednesday 09 September 2009 to Saturday 12 September 2009 (Phase II). The aim of this Course is to allow cadets to enhance their instructional abilities in organising, conducting and executing Individual Field Craft and Handling of Weapons to attain the RSAF-NCC Badge so as to contribute what they have learned and experienced to the school units. Upon completion, participants will also be appointed as the Auxiliary Instructors in their school units where they will be able to impart their knowledge to their juniors and subordinates. LOCATION Kindly note that the location of this 4 days residential camp will be at NCC Campus. All participants are expected to report to NCC Campus on the first day of the course. The reporting location for in processing will be at NCC MPH. REPORTING / DEPARTURE TIME All Course participants will report for In-processing by 0730 hours. Directional signs will be posted to lead them to the reporting point. The course is expected to end at approximately 1800 hours on the last day of the course. All Course participants must report in their No.4 uniform with beret. All male cadets are reminded to spot a neat haircut, failing which they will not be permitted to join the course. Female cadets are to bring along their black hairnets. Late-comers without a valid excuse will not be entertained after 0900 hours on the day of In-processing. Day-off will not be granted to any course participant except on emergency and compassionate cases. Course participants are expected to be punctual without fail. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION The criteria for the selection of cadets for the course are as follows: a. At least 70% attendance in NCC Activities; b. Passed Sec 2 NAPFA Test; c. Passed Total Defence Silver Badge Test. PACKING LIST (PERSONAL BELONGINGS) Course participants should bring the following items when reporting for the course. a. 1 pair of No.4 Uniform and 1 pair of No. 3 Uniform b. T-shirt and track pants c. Toiletries d. PT shirt / shorts e. PT shoes / slippers f. Writing materials g. Student Pass for drawing of rifles h. Prescribed Personal Medication, if any i. Tights / hair nets- girls j. Lesson plan for IFC and TF mutual k. 01 photograph l. Padlock with key Course participants are reminded not to bring along valuables. HQ NCC will not be responsible for any loss or theft. Course participants are also discouraged from bringing any foodstuff for their own consumption. MUTUAL The date for Mutual Test is set on TUESDAY, 19TH May 2009. Attendance is compulsory. All are to note that 6 cadets with the lowest scores will have to take their Spec Course from Wednesday 09 September 2009 to Saturday 12 September 2009 (Phase II). a. General Specialist Knowledge: GSK lessons are to be conducted by the individual school units before the start of the Specialists’ Course. The test on GSK will be conducted during the Specialists’ Course. b. Foot Drill Mutual: Mutuals are to be conducted by the individual school units before the start of the Specialist Course. Cadets attending the course must complete their mutual on Foot Drill. Their scores are to be submitted to NCC (Air) Admin Office at HQ NCC by 25 May 2009 (Phase I) / 25 August 2009 (Phase II). c. IFC/TF Mutual: Kindly allocate a lesson on TF and IFC to your cadets that are attending the course for their mutual assessment.