
Click to Download (Report if links broken / Request if link unavailable)

Instructions for using Downloads Portal:

  1. Click on the file link
  2. Click File at the top left corner, then click download or CTL + S
  3. Please find the password for the .zip files on the NCC Notice Board
  4. Unzip the files with WinZip / WinRAR and type in the password to extract it.

Specialists' Course Notes (as of 2013)
BAWC Handbook

NCC Air BAWC Notes

Instructions for Cadet Leaders uploading files to here:

  1. Compress the file to .zip file using WinZip
  2. Under Tools, click Encrypt This File
  3. Follow the instructions as required (type in password)
  4. Save the .zip file
  5. Upload to Google Drive using the same account
  6. Edit this page and add in the file name
  7. Highlight the file name and press Link
  8. Go back to Google Drive, locate the file and click Share. Change privacy option to 'Everyone with the link can view', and copy the URL
  9. Paste the URL to the link of the file name back in Blogger