Cadets Involved : All Part A, B , Cs. Parts Ds are welcomed to join. All Part As are to report at 8.00am. All Part Bs are to report at 7.30am. Attire : PT Kit – (School PE Shirt, School PE pants. ) Packing List: Compulsory Items: Sleeping Bag x 1 –VERY IMPORTANT Toiletries Towel Undergarments NCC Unit T-shirt x1 PE Shirts x 2 PE Shorts x3 Socks x 3 Running Shoes x 1 Full No 4 Set x1 1.5L Bottle x1 Mug, Fork and spoon x1 Slippers/Sandals x1 – For Shower time only. Plastic Bags Instant Noodles/ Canned Food –Field Cooking. Optional Items Home Clothes x 2 Personal Medication – If needed. Torchlight with batteries x 1 Jacker/WindBreaker/Blanket All Cadets are reminded to bring along $10 if they have not paid for the camp. Cadets who are absent from the camp is required to present Medical Certificate/Parents Letter as soon as possible.